Saturday, September 24, 2011

Physical Therapy

Our little Eli has been such a strong b-o-y.  After a regular doctor's visit, it was recommended to us that he visit the physical therapist.  Our German doctor noticed that Eli's neck wasn't getting any better, Jonathan and I both agreed.  We have been visiting the pt, now for 2 weeks and he has had some increased mobility in his left side (hands, turn his head left...etc.)  We have been practicing like crazy with his left hand.....he doesn't like to use it at all.  This is a result of his tight neck muscles.  He also has two bones in his head that are tilted due to the stressful labor.   One bone is behind his eyes and the other is the very back bottom bone in his skull.  Eli is still young enough for the bones to be put back in place with the proper care.

Elijah absolutely loves going to physical therapy.....I think it is b/c he gets constant attention.  The only thing about his visit is that he crashes after every visit b/c it is such hard work.  Jonathan and I are both in agreement that God can heal this in order for Eli to live a normal life.


  1. I'll be praying for everything to move where it should move! That's great that Eli enjoys physical therapy!

  2. Praying that everything fixes like you are hoping! I know that is a stressful thing! God has got you covered! Love you!


Elijah's 1st Birthday

Elijah's 1st Birthday

Poppa and Eli

Poppa and Eli

Poppa and Eli

Poppa and Eli

It's time to open

It's time to open

Presents galore for Eli

Presents galore for Eli

Peek-a-boo, I see you!

Peek-a-boo, I see you!



Ring, ring, ring

Ring, ring, ring



Hello...who's there?

Hello...who's there?

Valerie's Birthday with her guy

Valerie's Birthday with her guy

9 months old

9 months old

Eli playing with Tools

Eli playing with Tools



Elijah's Nursery

Elijah's Nursery
Wall Art

Elijah's Nursery

Elijah's Nursery
Changing table - 35 euros at a French Salvation Army!! What a deal!

Elijah's Nursery

Elijah's Nursery
Initials Elijah Walker Griesse

Elijah's Nursery

Elijah's Nursery
He loves looking the mirror when we change his diaper.

Eli's birth day

Eli's birth day

Triberg, Germany

Triberg, Germany

Happy Birthday - Aunt Julie and Cousin Zach

Happy Birthday - Aunt Julie and Cousin Zach

Not a happy camper - The dogs are cute in the background

Not a happy camper - The dogs are cute in the background

Diaper changing time!

Diaper changing time!

Eli - 7/16/2011

Eli - 7/16/2011
Our little Razorback

Eli - 7/16/2011

Eli - 7/16/2011

Eli - 7/16/2011

Eli - 7/16/2011
Taking a nap in his crib

7/11/2011 - Elijah

7/11/2011 - Elijah
Play Group

7/9/2011 - Elijah

7/9/2011 - Elijah
Lorrach Farmers Market

7/3/2011 - Monkey Business

7/3/2011 - Monkey Business

7/3/3011 - Going for a walk

7/3/3011 - Going for a walk

7/3/2011 - Playtime

7/3/2011 - Playtime

7/2/2011 - Elijah

7/2/2011 - Elijah

7/1/2011 - Elijah

7/1/2011 - Elijah

7/1/2011 - Elijah

7/1/2011 - Elijah

7/1/2011 - Elijah

7/1/2011 - Elijah

6/28/2011 - Elijah

6/28/2011 - Elijah

6/28/2011 - Elijah

6/28/2011 - Elijah

6/28/2011 - Elijah

6/28/2011 - Elijah

6/28/2011 - Elijah

6/28/2011 - Elijah

6/27/2011 - Elijah

6/27/2011 - Elijah

6/27/2011 - Elijah

6/27/2011 - Elijah

6/27/2011 - Elijah

6/27/2011 - Elijah

6/25/2011 - Elijah

6/25/2011 - Elijah
Our little guy in his bouncy seat

Bouncy Seat - Elijah

Bouncy Seat - Elijah

Bouncy Seat - Elijah

Bouncy Seat - Elijah