Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Bigger and Better

Well, Eli is approaching the 4 month mark.  He is getting so BIG.  He is getting BETTER with sitting up, eye hand coordination, cooing, rolling over...etc.  Yesterday was his first taste of solid foods.  He had a mixture of bananas and apples.  The kid ate like a champ.  I was impressed.....guess he was hungry.

We will find out his weight and length tomorrow during our next doctor appointment.  He is getting his next round of shots and we are going to find out more about his neck.  His head is still tilting to one side, due to his position in the womb and the difficult labor.  One side of his neck muscle is shorter than the other, plus there may be some scar tissue that is not reversible.  The doctors discovered this while we were still in the hospital, so they asked us to keep an eye on it.  So we are doing some little exercises everyday.  Unfortunately, I don't think it's getting much better. I'm praying for peace tomorrow at the doctors office.

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Elijah's 1st Birthday

Elijah's 1st Birthday

Poppa and Eli

Poppa and Eli

Poppa and Eli

Poppa and Eli

It's time to open

It's time to open

Presents galore for Eli

Presents galore for Eli

Peek-a-boo, I see you!

Peek-a-boo, I see you!



Ring, ring, ring

Ring, ring, ring



Hello...who's there?

Hello...who's there?

Valerie's Birthday with her guy

Valerie's Birthday with her guy

9 months old

9 months old

Eli playing with Tools

Eli playing with Tools



Elijah's Nursery

Elijah's Nursery
Wall Art

Elijah's Nursery

Elijah's Nursery
Changing table - 35 euros at a French Salvation Army!! What a deal!

Elijah's Nursery

Elijah's Nursery
Initials Elijah Walker Griesse

Elijah's Nursery

Elijah's Nursery
He loves looking the mirror when we change his diaper.

Eli's birth day

Eli's birth day

Triberg, Germany

Triberg, Germany

Happy Birthday - Aunt Julie and Cousin Zach

Happy Birthday - Aunt Julie and Cousin Zach

Not a happy camper - The dogs are cute in the background

Not a happy camper - The dogs are cute in the background

Diaper changing time!

Diaper changing time!

Eli - 7/16/2011

Eli - 7/16/2011
Our little Razorback

Eli - 7/16/2011

Eli - 7/16/2011

Eli - 7/16/2011

Eli - 7/16/2011
Taking a nap in his crib

7/11/2011 - Elijah

7/11/2011 - Elijah
Play Group

7/9/2011 - Elijah

7/9/2011 - Elijah
Lorrach Farmers Market

7/3/2011 - Monkey Business

7/3/2011 - Monkey Business

7/3/3011 - Going for a walk

7/3/3011 - Going for a walk

7/3/2011 - Playtime

7/3/2011 - Playtime

7/2/2011 - Elijah

7/2/2011 - Elijah

7/1/2011 - Elijah

7/1/2011 - Elijah

7/1/2011 - Elijah

7/1/2011 - Elijah

7/1/2011 - Elijah

7/1/2011 - Elijah

6/28/2011 - Elijah

6/28/2011 - Elijah

6/28/2011 - Elijah

6/28/2011 - Elijah

6/28/2011 - Elijah

6/28/2011 - Elijah

6/28/2011 - Elijah

6/28/2011 - Elijah

6/27/2011 - Elijah

6/27/2011 - Elijah

6/27/2011 - Elijah

6/27/2011 - Elijah

6/27/2011 - Elijah

6/27/2011 - Elijah

6/25/2011 - Elijah

6/25/2011 - Elijah
Our little guy in his bouncy seat

Bouncy Seat - Elijah

Bouncy Seat - Elijah

Bouncy Seat - Elijah

Bouncy Seat - Elijah